Metal Forms Concrete Paving Forms: More Cost-Effective For Your Customers, More Profit For You
As a dealer, you know the paving and construction industry has changed. Using wood to form concrete is no longer cost-effective. Working with our paving forms takes half the man power, half the time to set and strip, and the forms can be reused hundreds of times, versus the 3 or 4 uses wood provides. The results are consistently better, too.
Metal Forms makes steel paving forms for highway construction, airports, streets, ramps, taxiways, bridges and virtually anything else build with concrete. We were the first concrete forming manufacturer to successfully design and produce steel forms for building concrete homes and buildings. Today, our products are used worldwide.
What sets Metal Forms apart from other manufacturers is a commitment to our dealers. Your success is our success, so we do everything possible to ensure you succeed—and that includes some of the highest profit margins in the industry.
Become a Dealer
Dealer Support That’s Not Just Talk
We go out of our way to provide knowledgeable, professional and personable assistance before, during and after each sale. We partner with dealers through promotions and special events, produce a regular newsletter which includes spotlights on our dealers, and hold memberships in influential organizations dedicated to the interests of dealers in the construction industry.
We also offer a 3-tier Dealer Program, which offers discounts on Metal Forms products, better terms, marketing and advertising support and more to participating members. Fact is, no one does more to look after their dealers. With Metal Forms, you are not just a dealer. You’re a partner.
Six Concrete Reasons To Become a Metal Forms Dealer:
- 100+ years of experience in the construction equipment industry and over 40 US and foreign patents.
- Backed by an American company based in the Midwest
- Deal direct with the manufacturer--no sales reps or agents bugging you
- We are committed to superior customer service and prompt delivery to our dealers
- More bottom-line profit to our dealers than our competitors offer
Become a Metal Forms dealer: Contact us today for more information.