Concrete pour in France with Poly Meta Forms®
Poly Meta Forms® are used to form a sidewalk in France
Poly Meta Forms® are connected every twelve feet with steel sliding steel pockets. Twist in steel stake pockets are applied every few feet for added support. Sliding pockets also come in a “stackable” variety. Stackable stake pockets provide for the combination of four or six inch concrete forms for an assortment of different heights.
The transition in the picture from straight work to curve work is made simple by Poly Meta Forms® inserts. For the curve work flexible polyethylene inserts are secured into place using the twist in stake pockets as their guide. For the straight work, aluminum inserts offer the rigidity of a two by four, and adjoin to the other paving forms with sliding stake pockets as normal. To combine Poly Meta Forms® with old fashioned wood paving forms, pound nails into the pre-drilled holes on our sliding stake pockets.
Poly Meta Forms® celebrate 50% of the weight as old fashioned wood two by fours when supported with our aluminum inserts. Other advantages over wood include moisture resistance (Poly Meta Forms® never rot or splinter) and uniform straightness. Our paving forms are easy to set up and tear down, easy to transport, and easy to clean. They frequently celebrate 100 or more reuses with proper maintenance.