The many uses of Poly Meta Forms®
The City of Beaverton uses Poly Meta Forms® for their flatwork applications. Show is how they used the flexible Poly Meta Forms® to create a radius.
The changeover in the image from straight work to curve is enabled by swapping our Poly Meta Forms® inserts. For the curve work shorter, flexible polyethylene inserts are used in conjunction with twist in stake pockets every few feet to guide the concrete into the smooth design. Down the sidewalk, our aluminum inserts provide the rigidity of a two by four for superior straight work. Poly Meta Forms® can be combined with old fashioned wood paving forms by pounding nails into the pre-drilled holes on the sliding stake pockets.
Poly Meta Forms® offer fast set up and take down using twist in stake pockets every 3 or 4 feet between the conjoining sliding stake pockets. Sliding pockets also come stackable. Tackable pockets add the benefit of allowing four and six inch paving forms to be combined into a number of different heights.
Poly Meta Forms® are half the weight of old fashioned wood two by fours, and offer the same rigidity when supported with our aluminum inserts. Our Poly Meta Forms® frequently celebrate 100 or more reuses with proper cleaning and care. Poly Meta Forms® therefore offer a green solution to your paving form needs.